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  Charlie is a working cat – adopted by Erin, the manager of Bosley's at Dickinson Crossing to be the store cat. He has a very important job and is a true professional, greeting customers and their pets, relaxing and entertaining the staff and even helping with dusting on the back shelves while he has his midday naps.

You wouldn't have imagined that Charlie would be hired by Erin when he arrived at the SPCA sad, skinny and rough looking after living around Harewood Mall as a stray. He was quite shy at first, but good food, a bit of grooming and lots of sweet talking and loving by volunteers and visitors soon turned Charlie into a gorgeous fellow, who caught Erin's eyes when she came to adopt.

For the first few days on his job, he was kept in the backroom for training and to get used to Erin and the rest of the staff: Karen, Sharon, Shena, Lisa, Patricia and Michelle. On the fourth day he was let out into the store and bravely explored and promptly went awol. A panicked search followed until all his hiding spaces were found .

Charlie has learned the ropes and is now a model employee! He starts his day when everyone arrives in the morning and “helps” by hanging around the till and rubbing and cuddling, or playing with his favourite toys, a sponge ball that he bats around and chases or the little duck that quacks when you bat it and which he can never get to stop talking. Like clockwork he disappears at 11 AM to the middle of a shelf surrounded by cat food to recharge his batteries, aka naps and usually doesn't reappear until about 4 PM. After his nap Charlie is usually pretty needy and will stalk the staff and customers to get lots of pets. If Michelle, who is his favourite, is around, he will run down parallel aisles and she knows he is close by hearing the tinkle, tinkle of the bell attached to his collar. She picks him up and he melts into her arms and wants to stay forever.

He is great with everyone and like with his predecessor Bubba, who retired two years ago to Erin's house, customers look for him and are happy to say hi and give him a pet. Dogs that often visit the store with their owners are carefully watched by Charlie, but he soon loses interest and wanders off.

Charlie is loved by all as any great employee should be and maybe in a few years he will be taking over as manager from Erin or he may retire to Michelle's house? Stay tuned and visit sweet working cat Charlie often at Bosley's!

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